Dear Sizzlers,

Before placing an order for Instagram followers on Sizzle, please ensure that the “Flag for Review” feature is disabled on your account.

If your Follower Flagging is enabled and you order Followers, the followers won’t be directly added to your account. Instead, they will be added to a Flagged Review list and you would then have to manually approve each and every follower.

To avoid this and to ensure your Followers are delivered directly to your account follower list, please do this:

  1. Go To Your Account Settings [Settings and privacy]
  2. Scroll until you find “Follow and invite friends”. Then select that.
  3. Locate the “Flag for review” option and make sure it is UNCHECKED.

    It is important that it is UNCHECKED especially if you are buying followers. This will ensure that your new followers are added to your follower list immediately and directly, instead of the “Flagged Folder”.

Please visit this page for a more in-depth tutorial and screenshots on How To Disable Follower Flagging on your account:

If you do not disable this feature, there is a risk that your followers may be flagged. Please note that we cannot guarantee the outcome.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards.


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